OZ Horské spoločenstvo

CA Horské spoločenstvo

The Civic Association Horské spoločenstvo (Mountain Community) brings together active and proactive people, especially from the Horehronie region, who care about their environment and do not expect anything to happen by itself. Through its activities, the CA seeks to develop the region's potential, preserve its natural and cultural heritage, and create value.

The association started its activities in 2014 in the Low Tatras with the original intention to cover the reconstruction and operation of the Andrejcová tourist shelter, which is a popular refuge for tourists passing the Low Tatra ridge. Gradually, the activities of the association grew to include several areas of sports and cultural life, such as the organization of the Andrejcová Vertikal vertical race, the organization of the mountain multi-genre festival Ďumbierfest, the organization of the Horehronská Trail League, the operation of cross-country skiing trails in Čertovica, regular maintenance of hiking trails and cross-country skiing trails, the maintenance and operation of the House of the Mountain Service in Čertovica, and a host of other public service and non-profit activities.


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