Regional product Horehronie
The label of a Regional product Horehronie is a benchmark for quality that is used to mark crafts, products and services originating in the Horehronie region.
The sound of bells in Horehronie meadows still signals a shepherding tradition that you would once have found in every county. Images of shepherding life - the hard daily work on the shepherd's sheepfold and the joyful sounds of the shepherds' pipes grazing their flock are also interwoven into the products of Mr. Vojtek from Pohorelá. Jugs, shepherd's axes, everyday objects and scenes captured in wooden sculptures are a true representation of Wallachian culture. In his hands, wood becomes a living, malleable material, into which he embeds a piece of himself and memories of times gone by, thus bringing them back to life.
Aktivita realizovaná s finančnou podporou Ministerstva dopravy a výstavby Slovenskej republiky a Banskobystrického samosprávneho kraja.