Hutnícky skanzen

Metallurgical open-air museum

On the limestone cliff Skalka na Závoze, located near the village of Valaská, you can find an inconspicuous Metallurgical Open-air Museum, the existence of which refers to the history of mining and metallurgy, covering the regional scope.

The complex of the Metallurgical Open-Air Museum includes underground iron mines with mining equipment, the oldest Celtic ironworks dating back to the 1st century, a water-powered ironworks from the Renaissance and the period of the Industrial Revolution, a chapel, a blacksmith's workshop, a lookout offering views of the surroundings of Valaská and the valley of the Hron River, a pillar furnace and a freight cableway for transporting the ore.

The approximately one-hour long excursion also includes an audio-visual lecture dedicated to the declining crafts. In addition to the smelting operations, visitors will also tour an old iron mine and a charcoal workshop where charcoal - fuel for the smelting furnaces - is produced. Among the exhibits there are also products made of malleable iron, castings, rolled steel, and pressed and enamelled cookware. The first cast-iron bridge in Hungary was also cast in Hronec 220 years ago.

If you are interested in learning more about the regional metallurgy in Hronec, book your excursion by phone in advance and experience the glory days of metallurgy today!


GPS: N 48° 48′ 45″ E 19° 34′ 2″

Address: Mierová 39332, 976 46 Valaská-Piesok